We are pleased to announce that registration for Qurban orders is now officially closed.

All received orders have been meticulously processed and forwarded to our team on the ground. Our team is fully prepared to manage the logistics and ensure that your Qurban sacrifices are carried out to the highest standards. 

We deeply appreciate the trust you have placed in us. Rest assured, we are committed to performing the Qurban sacrifices with the utmost care and integrity.

Our Qurban will be performed during the days of Tashriq: the 10th, 11th, and 12th days of Zulhijjah, across multiple countries and various time zones. Sohibul Qurban who are practising the sunnah (not cutting hair and trimming of nails) are advised to err on the
safe side and end your practise on 13th Zulhijjah to avoid any doubts on achieving acceptability.

If you have any inquiries, feel free to contact us at customerservice@qurbanipro.com.

We wish you a blessed and
fulfilling Qurban experience.


Qurban Anda Terjamin

Dengan sejarah panjang dan terpercaya SMART Qurban dalam mengantarkan Qurban ke lokasi-lokasi di seluruh dunia yang membutuhkan - Muslim Pro dan Qurbani Pro berdedikasi untuk melayani Qurban Anda dengan baik.

Lokasi di Seluruh Dunia

Kami memberikan Qurban kepada umat Islam di mana pun mereka membutuhkannya.

Pembayaran Aman

Semua pembelian Anda aman dan dijaga kerahasiaannya.

Transparansi Terjamin

Kami memberikan sertifikat elektronik dan pembaruan setelah selesai.