Qurbani, also known as Eid al-Adha or the Festival of Sacrifice, holds great significance in Islam. It commemorates the act of worship by Prophet Ibrahim (Abraham) and his son, Prophet Ismail (Ishmael). According to the Quran, Prophet Ibrahim dreamt of sacrificing his son, and when he shared this with Ismail, the son willingly accepted God’s command. However, Allah eventually instructed them to sacrifice an animal instead.
This act symbolizes obedience, devotion, and submission to God’s will. Performing Qurbani allows Muslims to follow this tradition, express gratitude, and demonstrate compassion. By adhering to the rules and donating through reputable charities, Muslims fulfill their religious obligation while benefiting disadvantaged communities worldwide.
What is Qurban?
What is Qurban?
Qurban, which means sacrifice, is an annual tradition for Muslims worldwide during the Islamic month of Dhulhijjah. This practice commemorates the Prophet Ibrahim's willingness to sacrifice his son Ismail for the sake of God. At the last moment, Allah replaced Ismail with a ram, saving his life and rewarding Ibrahim's devotion. To honor this event, Muslims slaughter an animal—such as a goat, sheep, cow, or camel. The meat from the sacrificed animal is then distributed to those most in need, helping impoverished families and communities.
Which animals can be sacrificed?
Which animals can be sacrificed?
The animals which are eligible should meet minimum requirements, such as the age of the animal for Qurban and their condition, including:
Sheep / Goats:
Should be at least one year in age (this is equivalent to one person’s Qurban)
Cows / Buffalo / Cattle:
Should be at least two years in age (this is equivalent to seven people’s Qurban)
Should be of at least five years in age (this is equivalent to seven people’s Qurban)
In addition, all animals must be healthy and free of disease.
When must Qurban animals be purchased?
When must Qurban animals be purchased?
You must aim to buy your Qurban in a timely manner. We aim to implement all Qurbans over three days (10th to 12th Dhulhijjah).
The time for sacrifice ends when the sun sets on the fourth day. Therefore, you can make payments right up until the end of the third day after Eid (13th of Dhulhijjah) before Maghrib salah. However, we advise buying your Qurban as early as possible.
When is Qurban performed?
When is Qurban performed?
Qurban must be performed on the days of Tashriq: the 10th, 11th, or 12th days of Dhulhijjah. Eidul-Adha changes in the Gregorian calendar each year. The time for Qurban must be performed after the completion of Eid Salah and not before.
There is a difference of opinion amongst the scholars as to whether Qurban can be done over three or four days. To respect this difference of opinion, we strives to perform Qurban in three days. We only extend into the fourth day in localities where this is religiously accepted by the local Muslim population – and if there is an operational need for this extra day.
Sohibul Qurban who are practising the sunnah (not cutting hair and trimming of naills) are advised to err on the safe side and end your practise on 13th Dzulhijjah to avoid any doubts on achieving acceptability.
How many people will benefit from my Qurban?
How many people will benefit from my Qurban?
The number of recipients for one Qurban share (one goat or 1/7 of a cattle) is 25 people minimum.
Who will receive the Qurban meat?
Who will receive the Qurban meat?
Those who receive the Qurbani meat include elderly in need of assistance , orphans, poor families and single parent household.
When can we start the Qurban Sunnah practices?
When can we start the Qurban Sunnah practices?
You can start your Qurban Sunnah practices on the 1st day of Dzulhijjah. This period provides a valuable opportunity to fulfill this sacred obligation and earn immense rewards. Be sure to plan ahead by cutting your nails and shaving before the 1st of Dzulhijjah. Sohibul Qurban who are practising the sunnah (not cutting hair and trimming of naills) are advised to err on the safe side and end your practise on 13th Dzulhijjah to avoid any doubts on achieving acceptability.
When should the sacrifice be done?
When should the sacrifice be done?
The sacrifice must be performed on the tenth, eleventh and twelfth days of Dzulhijjah. You can order your sacrifice before this time, but the sacrifice must be carried out on the correct day.
What is the difference between Qurban and Sadaqah?
What is the difference between Qurban and Sadaqah?
Qurban is an act of worship performed in the month of Dzulhijjah by those who can afford it, following specific rulings and conduct, such as not shaving or cutting fingernails. Each Qurban is for one person. In contrast, Sedekah can be given at any time, has no specific rulings, and can be dedicated to more than one person.
If I have done Qurban last year, can I do it again this year and in the years to come?
If I have done Qurban last year, can I do it again this year and in the years to come?
The ruling for Qurban is Sunnah Muakkadah, meaning it is a highly recommended practice. If you can afford it, you are encouraged to perform Qurban every year. There is no ruling against doing so annually.
If I perform Qurban, is it compulsory for me to take a part of the meat?
If I perform Qurban, is it compulsory for me to take a part of the meat?
No, it is not compulsory. Most scholars agree that eating our Qurban meat is mustahab (encouraged), but not obligatory.
What is the ruling on doing Qurban for the deceased?
What is the ruling on doing Qurban for the deceased?
If the deceased left a will requesting Qurban to be performed on their behalf, it should be done as part of executing the will. If no such will exists, then performing Qurban is considered a gift of rewards for the deceased from the person who purchases the animal.
Is it permissible to appoint someone to slaughter the animal on one’s behalf?
Is it permissible to appoint someone to slaughter the animal on one’s behalf?
Yes, it is permissible to appoint someone to slaughter the animal on your behalf.
Will there be any documentation?
Will there be any documentation?
E-Certificate & E-Report will be given within 30 working days after Eidul-Adha. The report will consist of an overall ground summary, selected general media documentation and overview of the whole Qurban process to give an understanding of the scope, scale and context of the Qurban operation.
Will I get a personalised Qurban photo?
Will I get a personalised Qurban photo?
Each participant will receive E-Certificate & E-Fulfilment Qurban Report one month after Eidul-Adha. The report will consist of an overall ground summary, selected media documentation, and an overview of the entire Qurban process to provide an understanding of the scope, scale, and context of the Qurban operation.
With the number of orders across multiple countries increasing yearly and needing to be slaughtered and distributed within the few days of Tashriq, personalised photos cannot be applied due to time and operational limitations, in line with international slaughterhouse standards worldwide.
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Qurbani Pro Pte Ltd